Design with 4 or 6 single-axis proportional levers and up to 6 extra actuators, plus Start and Stop. This model has been designed for uses where linear levers are preferred and is particularly suited for use on hydraulic cranes.

The joysticks are mounted in a row on a sloping surface and provide easy access to commands. The protective bracket also offers hand and wrist support for the operator. The plastic housing is able to withstand external influences and has an IP65 protection rating.

TÜV certification for safety functions Stop function: PL e, cat. 4 (EN ISO 13849-1) / SIL 3 (EN IEC 62061) UMFS function: PL d, cat. 3 (EN ISO 13849-1) / SIL 3 (EN IEC 62061) (UMFS = Unintended Movement From Standstill)


Truck mounted cranes Forestry haulage systems Elevated Work Platforms (EWP) Provision cranes Ladders Scissor lifts Mixers Mobile Boat trolleys Offshore cranes Tracked vehicles Tow vehicles Railway automation Conveyor belts Handlers Forklift