The Lilaas LF60 is a multifunctional joystick with 1, 2 or 3 axes. The handle can be turned +/- 90° in z-direction. All axes can be used simultaneously. The LF60 joystick is designed for electronic control. It comes with potentiometers and micro switches. The joystick can be used for maritime and on-land applications. The LF60 can be supplied with or without visible fixing plate. The Lilaas LF60 comes with traditional bellows. The device is bigger than the LF50.

Options Lilaas LF60 joystick

  • Termination
  • Built-in micro switches
  • Spring loaded return to neutral position
  • Motorized axes
  • Alternative potentiometers
  • Different colors
  • Custom design (handle, panel plate)!!
  • 4 – 20 mA signal from a signal amplifier
  • CANbus, Profibus and Profinet signals emitted by Lilaas interface unit
  • Other outputs: in consultation with Elma Components