26 march – Greetings from all ELMA colleagues that are working from home! They are doing their very best to ensure that alll internal & extrenal business goes on as normal. Our service engineers, commissioning engineers and panel builders will for now continu to work at the ELMA facility or...
12 March – Major progress has been made in the construction of our new building! One of the advantages of mild winter months: our contracter Hardeman has not been interrupted in its construction activities. A big thanks to our colleague Henri for the great pictures!...
5 March – Customers order standard models joysicks, levers & spare parts online, in Lilaas webshop. Elma has recently launched its own Lilaas webshop: www.lilaas-elma.com/webshop. Customers can from now on use this shop to order every standard version of Lilaas joysticks and control levers. The Lilaas control units are used...