The Lean philosophy is a part of the policy of Elma and Elro. The three CSR pillars, People, Planet and Profit are well supported by execution this policy. The base of Elma is to avoid waste. All activities, resources used, materials and processes within Elma must add value to the customer. Especially when it comes to our control panel building activities!
Elma is a learning organization eager to optimize by using the Lean methodology. Lean Manufacturing achieves the ultimate optimization of the operating process by eliminating eight different types of waste during the process. This results in an optimal flow, improved turnaround times, higher quality and / or lower production costs per unit.
If required related methods as Six Sigma are used enabling a management framework for continuous improvement of quality. Six Sigma applies the Lean approach to identify and strengthen this process at the same time by creating numerical understanding on waste. This statistically substantiated information ensures the most effective measures and priorities are set. These will always have a positive effect on quality, turnaround time and / or costs. The assembly process KPIs selected by Elma must locate the steps in the process requiring improvement.